"palm" braking system born from a new idea !!
A typical brake lever is stopped by grasping it with your fingertips, but this palm brake lever does not require the force of your fingertips. It stops easily by adding weight to the palm of you hand. This feature has the potential to allow elderly people with weak strength
and handicap to ride a bicycle.
The universal design , which can be used by both bicycles and people , is highly customizable
and suits sports bike and MTB'S.
一般のブレーキレバーは指先を使いレバーを動作させて、自転車・車いす などを制動させます。このブレーキバーは”指先の力”を必要としません。
Palm Brake Bar. This Brake system Develops products that have not only braking functions but
also fashion and customizability by operating
the bar with the palm of the hand, and we as PMT
to spread it to many people who sympathized with it. We will our Best.
PMT comes from the "PMT=Product Management Team",
which means a group
In addition, the logo mark, which is the symbol of
PMT displayed at the beginning of the HP, is a
two-dimensional design as a result of pursuing
basic performance and simplicity when developing the Palm Brake Bar.
We have designed a shape that expresses the unchanging shape that we have reached as our identity, which also created modeling and functionality that fused the emphasized straight lines, curves and angles.
And the basic idea of PMT is
"Touch! For Your Style".
We want to get in touch with the various styles of our customers. The style is different for each person.
PMT wants to value individuality.
パームブレーキバー(Palm Bake Bar)。このブレーキングシステムは、手のひらによるバー操作にてブレーキ機能面だけではない、ファッションやカスタマイズ性も兼ね備えた商品を開発し、それを、さらに共感する多くの人達へ広め、活動するためにPMTとして我々は、ベストを尽くします。
PMTとは、商品(P=プロダクト)を、提案(M=マネジメント)していく集団(T=チーム)と、言う意味を込めた、“PMT=Product Management Team”から来ています。
また、ホームページの冒頭に表示されるPMTのシンボルであるロゴマークは、パームブレーキバー(Palm Brake
『 Touch! for your style 』。
PMTの公式HPは → コチラ。
There are two types of Palm Brake Bar's
aluminum and resin.
Applicable brakes for both models are "V-brake" "Dual Pivot caliper brake" "Band and Roller Brake" and most applies to the braking system.
Flat handle types as recommended mounting handle.
When installing near the end of the handle, it is recommended to install it at the inside position about 15 to 20mm from the end to prevent damage to the lever.
The model name of the aluminum lever is
PB20(color is BK & SL) ~ Clamp diameter 22.2mm
The model name of the resin lever is
PB10(color is BK) ~ Clamp diameter 22.2mm also 19mm
パームブレーキバー(Palm Bake Bar)はアルミ製と樹脂製の2種類がラインナップされております。
PB20(カラーはBK&SL) ~ クランプ径22.2mm
メーカー希望小売価格 ~ ¥11,000(税抜)
PB10(カラーはBK) ~ クランプ径22.2mm及び19mm
メーカー希望小売価格 ~ ¥5,500(税抜)
PB20 ~ BK ~
PB20 ~ SL ~
PB10 ~ BK ~